Marketingiguru Seth Godin kirjutab oma blogis, millest muust, kui blogimisest 🙂 Ta vaatas maailma “top” blogide listi ning sedastab:

maailma suurimad blogid on pea kõik kirjutatud meeskondade poolt
maailma suurimad blogid avaldavad sageli ja palju kirjatükke
maailma suurimad blogid ei kirjuta blogijate enda elust, vaid lugejatest ja neile olulistest asjadest

ja veel

personaalsed blogid, kus blogijad kirjutavad iseendast, ei kao kuhugi, ütleb Seth Godin.

Kuid, laskem gurul endal kõnelda:

Death of the personal blog?

A quick look at the list of the ‘top’ blogs in the world will show you that almost all of them are written by teams of people. There isn’t one in the top 10 that’s personal.

The best way to increase your ranking as a blogger is to post very often and to have teams of people doing the work. If that’s your strategy, of course you can’t have it be a solo blog. The strategy for showing up on this list is to have lots and lots of posts, so your tactic needs to be to have a team of people doing the work.

Personal blogs aren’t going anywhere, though. There’s a difference between a blog about YOU (I call this a cat blog) and a blog about the reader. Guy Kawasaki’s blog, and my blog for that matter, are not about us, about what we ate yesterday or how great we are. They are about you, the reader.

I guess there’s an easy analogy:
Your blog could be like a newspaper (written by a staff)
or it could be like a book (written by an author)

9 times out of 10, newspapers outsell books. No surprise. But they’re different. And we need both.

Who cares that you’re not writing a mass market newspaper? The point is not to show up on a list, the point is to start a conversation that spreads, to share ideas and to chronicle your thinking. That’s the work of an author, and I think rather than kissing author blogs goodbye, someone should just start a new list.

PS vaadates TOP 100 listi esimest paarikümmet on seis vist pigem nii ja naa – enamik blogisid on küll sellest, mida blogija sõi, jõi, mida nägi ja kuidas magas (või ei maganud :-)). On samas ka mitmeid blogisid, mis on pühendunud mingi konkreetse teema käsitlemisele.

Kas trend Eestis läheb järgi maailma trendile? Ei oska midagi arvata, pole sedavõrd bloginduse ja selle ajalooga Eestis kursis. Rääkimata sellest, et hakata tulevikku ennustama 🙂


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